Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bargaining Update: Round 3 (May 4-6)

Hello all,

It's the end of another bargaining session.

We had many agreed-upon recommendations to present this time, such as improved and clarified language in the national agreement. But I want you all to understand that NOTHING is a done deal until we make our agreed-upon recommended presentations and you all have voted on these recommendations.

We, your elected representatives, have fought hard on all of the sub-group teams to keep our promise to you of no concessions and to represent you to the best of our abilities!

Reaching agreement is not easy and there were some caucuses where we had to take time out to understand each other and understand our brother and sister coalition unions so we could be sure to respect all needs and not violate any one's contract.

UNDERSTANDING IS NOT ALWAYS EASY, but the Bible says it is a must!

When we meet in our next session we will be talking about economics, which is not only money but benefits as well.

I would like to take this time to commend and tell you about your elected observers. Some did not understand what was involved when they raised their hands or stepped up to be on the local bargaining team. They did not know and understand how hard it is to:
Sit still
Sit and take notes
Sit and write notes for someone else to ask your questions
Sit for hours
Sit in uncomfortable chairs

As hard as that has turned out to be, our UHW observers have done an outstanding job sitting (after a Continental breakfast at 8 am) from 9am to 4pm, then after dinner sitting through a caucus debrief until sometimes 8 pm at night. Then it's right back up the next morning after little sleep. Plus, no overtime! THAT IS DEDICATION!

So I would like every one one of you this week to go up to your elected bargaining representatives and give them a hug. Let them know you appreciate what they are doing for all of us.

Because when this round of National Bargaining is over....they will begin Local bargaining.

Our UHW bargaining team will be the most well-informed bargaining team ever in the history of SEIU Kaiser Bargaining Teams, because they have witnessed firsthand the long and hard path we took to get to local bargaining.

To the entire UHW National Bargaining team including observers: GO TEAM YOU ARE AWESOME!!

Ms Shirlee Anne Shirley
Worry looks around
Sorry looks back
Faith looks up!